Nokia 6600 Bluejacking Guide
1. First press the 5-way joystick down.
2. Then choose options.
3. Then choose "New contact"
4. Then in the first line choose your desired message.
5. Then press done.
6. Then go to the contact.
7. Then press options.
8. Then scroll down to send.
9. Then choose "Via Bluetooth"
10. Then the phone will be searching for enabled Devices.
11. Then press "Select"
Nokia 6310 / 6310i Bluejacking Guide
1. Go to Names
2. Select Add name
3. Type your message and press OK
4. Press OK without entering a phone number (unless you want to send one)
5. Press Done
6. Go to Names
7. Select Search
8. Find your message
9. Select Details
10. Select Options
11. Select Send bus. card
12. Select Via Bluetooth
13. If any devices come up select them
14. If it says Business card sent, you have just bluejacked someone
Motorola V500/V600/v551/v547/v555 Bluejacking Guide
1. Go to Phone Book
2. Select New Entry
3. Insert the message you want to send in Name, email address etc.
4. Save contact
5. The contact will now be highlighted in the phone book
6. Press the Info button (one with 3 lines on)
7. Scroll to Send and select Send
8. Choose Bluetooth
9. Select Look For Devices
10. Then select the device you want to bluejack
11. That's it!
Motorola E550 Bluejacking Guide
1. Randomly press numbers on the main screen, click store
2. Name will be highlighted, change this to the message you want to send and save it
3. You will now be back at the main menu, press DOWN on the 5 way key to go to contacts
4. Highlight your new entry
5. Click Menu key and select send
6. Click yes at "Temporarily enable bluetooth", then look for devices
7. Send to the most interesting name
8. Laugh at the person looking around confused
Motorola A835 Bluejacking Guide
1. Go to Contacts (Default control is down joystick).
2. Press joystick up once to get to '[Add Entry]'
3. Press 'Select'
4. Highlight 'Phone Number'
5. Press 'Select'6. Press 'Select' once more and type in a message as the name7. Press 'OK'
8. Press 'Select' and enter a number (can be anything i.e. 12345)
9. Press 'OK'10. Press 'Done'
11. Press 'Menu' (Middle key) and move joystick up 1 to highlight 'Send'
12. Press 'Select'
13. Highlight 'Bluetooth' and Press 'Select
14. With [Look For Devices] highlighted, press 'Select'
15. If scan is successful (*see note 1), a list of devices will appear. Select a device from the list with joystick, then press 'Select' to send the contact.
*note 1: The scan has two passes. During the first pass, the phone looks for devices in range. If one is found, it is counted and the scan continues. At the end of the first pass, the phone has the MAC (Media Access Control) addresses of each device in range when the first pass took place. If the scan is interrupted by pressing 'Stop', these addresses will be visible.
In the second pass, the phone attempts to retrieve the Bluetooth Name set in each of the devices. If a device has moved out of range or has a marginal signal, the MAC Address is displayed. Please note that some devices' Bluetooth Names are set to the MAC address by default.
Sony Ericsson T610 / T630 Bluejacking Guide
1. Go into the main menu
2. Go to phonebook
3. Choose Add Contact
4. On the Name box, press Add
5. Type in your message
6. Press OK
7. Press Save
8. Come back to main screen
9. Press down on the joystick
10. Find your new contact
11. Press More
12. Choose Send contact
13. Choose Via Bluetooth
14. Phone will then be Searching
15. When it's finished, it will display "Devices Found"
16. Choose the device you want to Bluejack
17. If successful, your phone will say "Contact sent", if not, "Bluetooth connection failed. Retry?"
18. That's it!
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